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Tenorsaxofoon: Selmer Mark VI

Serienummer: 224325
Kleur: Zilver
On Friday 10th of April, 2015, someone broke into the van of my friend. Apart from his laptop, my two saxophones got stolen. I know you understand the emotional en personal value of an instrument, in a way no-one else can. I’m sharing this message in the hope someone might encounter them, and help me to return them home.

SELMER TENOR SAX Mark VI, serial nr 224325, Silver Plated, No high F# key.
(Berg Larson Grained Ebonite Mouthpiece, Black-Red)
protected in one black-synthetic double-case
Datum diefstal: vr 10 april 2015
Plaats diefstal: Den haag
Eigenaar: Reindert Spanhove
Telefoon: +32 499 13 00 90
E-mail: reindert.spanhove@hotmail.com
advertenties van deze eigenaar: Tenorsaxofoon, Sopraansaxofoon
toegevoegd door admin